Monday, May 4, 2015

Week 12: Well It's Monday

There is going to be a baptism for two of our investigators on May 9th! I am so honored that I get to see them gain their own testimonies of the gospel. It is all about timing I have learned. 

There was a women's conference and luncheon this past weekend, and it was really nice. The topic was about temples. A less active came with us. She was kinda nervous about the whole thing, but said she enjoyed it. We also went on exchanges. I left St. Helens! It brought me such great joy to leave... I mean I love the area that I am in, just feels nice to escape to Warrenton, even if it smelled like fish.

Um I do not know what else that happened that was significant to write about... Oh yeah! This other investigator  that is on date for the 25th is getting married. If I stay after transfers (which I think I will) I will go to my first wedding as a missionary. That is pretty cool I think. Her soon to be husband is a less active. He is working on it though. However he is very rude in lessons. He only has a positive response when we bring authority from his past. Maybe it is the skirts? Really annoying that he does not take us seriously.

On a good note, today is Monday, and mom said I could buy sweat pants!

Remember I love you all!

Sister Slattery
      Side note from the Mom:  Before leaving on her mission Sister Slattery had a pair of ratty, and I do mean ratty pair of sweatpants.  They were almost the only item of clothing I saw this dear child of mine wear unless she was going to work, out with friends or the three hours of church on Sunday.  I told her that sweats were not allowed on her mission, ever!  Then she left on her mission, and at about week 7, she was really struggling.  Change is hard!  Each week as we would send her supportive mail, I realized, maybe it was inspiration that sweatpants would not be the end of the world while on her mission and might actually help her feel better.  I wrote her a nice long letter, included a gift card to Wal-Mart with the instructions to get sweatpants on her next P-Day.  The following was the email I received later in the afternoon after the above email had been sent.
I am so angry! I go to buy sweatpants and guess what? They do not have my size. All to small or to big. Plus Sister Forsyth is an in and out kinda shopper, plus we were on a time crunch anyway. No sweatpants this week! I hate Walmart. 

        Me the Mom again.  I laughed at the email, because who hasn't be upset with Wal-Mart before.  Well Dan and I had mercy on our girl and went to the store Monday night to get her some sweat pants.  I have actually been laughing to myself all week picturing her sleeping in them, changing into them the very minute she can every night. 


The Thomas Family

Just another day in the mission field.

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